lunedì 15 marzo 2021

Bitches, she is Madonna by Ludovico De Bonis (I Quaderni del Bardo Edizioni di Stefano Donno)

The author Ludovico De Bonis, with his book, tried to combine his passion - Madonna - with his cultural background, as an expert in Communication and Media Analyst. What makes his work outstanding compared to other works about the artist, is that none of them has neither analyzed the phenomenon from the point of view of the audience, nor focused on the artist's fandom, on her complex identity (as a woman, as a mother and as an international icon) and on the discovery that the performer artist Madonna, according to various sociologists and experts in the sector, is the emblem of popular culture. What is theoretically told and narrated is tested and practically witnessed by the voice of privileged witnesses, that is the fans, through an empirical research carried out with the qualitative interview technique, comparing different generations. From this generational analysis it clearly emerges that the singer's fandom is strongly characterizing, that is, the points of contact and the noteworthy differences between the twenty-year-old, thirty-year-old and forty-year-old fans interviewed, are exactly the same. Basically, both the twenty-year-old and forty-year-old generations, appreciate and show a certain discontent with the same artistic and "personal" aspects of the singer even though there is a significant age gap. The analysis of Madonna's artistic career reaches up to her latest recording effort entitled "Madame X". The last paragraph of the book, in fact, is a descriptive and simultaneous journey, a "work in progress" of what Madonna has experienced, shared and sung with both the real and digital world, up to June 14, 2019.


L'autore Ludovico De Bonis, con il suo libro, ha provato a combinare la sua passione – Madonna – con il suo background culturale, in quanto esperto e studioso di Comunicazione e Analista dei Media. Ciò che rende eccezionale il suo lavoro rispetto ad altri lavori sull'artista, è che nessuno di loro ha analizzato il fenomeno né dal punto di vista delle audience e pubblici di riferimento, né si è concentrato sul fandom della popstar ponendo l’accento sulla sua identità complessa (come donna, come madre e come icona internazionale) e sul fatto che la performer Madonna, secondo diversi sociologi ed esperti del settore, sia l'emblema della cultura popolare. Ciò che viene teoricamente raccontato e narrato viene messo alla prova e praticamente testimoniato dalla voce di testimoni privilegiati, ovvero i fan, attraverso una ricerca empirica condotta con la tecnica dell'intervista qualitativa, mettendo a confronto generazioni diverse. Da questa analisi generazionale emerge chiaramente che il fandom della cantante è fortemente caratterizzante, cioè i punti di contatto e le differenze di opinione tra i fan ventenni, trentenni e quarantenni intervistati, sono esattamente gli stessi. In sostanza, sia la generazione ventenne che quella quarantenne, apprezzano e mostrano un certo malcontento per gli stessi aspetti artistici e "personali" della performer artist nonostante il notevole divario anagrafico. L'analisi della carriera artistica di Madonna arriva fino al suo ultimo lavoro discografico intitolato "Madame X". L'ultimo paragrafo del libro, infatti, è un viaggio descrittivo e simultaneo, un "work in progress" di quello che la Ciccone ha sperimentato, condiviso, raccontato in musica, con il mondo reale e digitale, fino al 14 Giugno 2019.


Ludovico De Bonis, born in 1983, lives in Mesagne (BR), Puglia - Italy. Communicator and Social Media Analyst, Co-Founder of the FantasyEra Cultural Association, located in Casarano (Lecce) where he carries out the following activities: Curator of the Social area, Public Relations, Curator of the Music Sector, Promotion and Marketing, Analyst of fantasy television products, Review of fantasy books.

For almost a year he has also been reviewing albums by famous and non-famous artists for the editorial office of TuttoRock, located in Milan. He has several passions and hobbies that have involved and completed his entire existence. He is a collector fan of Madonna, Marco Mengoni and Pentatonix, but he listens to many other Italian and foreign artists. He considers concerts as pure adrenaline.

He loves communication in all its forms to the point that he feels submerged in it. He can't live without television, TV series and music. From an early age he dreamed of becoming a media critic and thanks to his studies he discovered his love for psychology, the analysis of cultural products and research. His studies are the mirror of what he has just described, in fact, he obtained a bachelor’s degree in "Communication Sciences" at "the University of Salento" and a Specialized Degree in "Cultural Industry and Digital Communication" at "La Sapienza ", in Rome. In the capital he also had the opportunity to achieve a 1st level Master in "Management, Marketing and Communication of Music", coming into contact with various exponents of the music record sector, further enriching his knowledge of a sector little known from the point of view from an internal, logistical and production point of view. The experience he had as an intern at "Believe Digital", a multinational that deals with the digital distribution of online music, was the direct consequence of the aforementioned master. Freelance journalist for the online scientific magazine H-ermes, in collaboration with the University of Salento, for which he has reviewed books dedicated to music, literature and television and wrote an article on the difference between physical and digital.

Pdf and cover for review is available at mail


Info link I Quaderni del Bardo Edizioni di Stefano Donno


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