his is part 1 of 2 of a comparison of major Print on Demand (POD)
providers: Lightning Source Ingram, CreateSpace, and Lulu. In the video
presentation, I discuss the basic pros and cons of each provider on
features, quality, costs of getting started, and royalties and profits.
http://www.latenitebooks.com - Late Nite Books / Author Website
http://www.myidentifiers.com - US ISBN Agency
http://www.lightningsource.com - Lightning Source (LSI)
http://www.createspace.com - CreateSpace (CS)
http://www.lulu.com - Lulu Print on Demand
http://www.latenitebooks.com - Late Nite Books / Author Website
http://www.myidentifiers.com - US ISBN Agency
http://www.lightningsource.com - Lightning Source (LSI)
http://www.createspace.com - CreateSpace (CS)
http://www.lulu.com - Lulu Print on Demand
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